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Testimony: Indoor Mold Remediation Enforcement Amendment Act of 2019

December 9, 2019

Through Children Law Center’s partnerships with clinics across the city, we work closely with a number of families who face a number of health challenges that require legal support. Chief among these needs are poor housing conditions, including homes that are infested with mold.

CLC Supervising Attorney Evan Cass testified in support of B23-132, the Indoor Mold Remediation Enforcement Act of 2019. He noted that the bill will provide tenants with more effective means to address household mold. He also explained that by licensing DCRA inspectors to conduct mold assessments, tenants will have one agency to contact for thorough housing inspections; DCRA will be able to compile useful data on these inspections; and, when tenants bring cases in Housing Conditions Court, the court will benefit from a neutral inspector who can inform the parties of all their respective obligations. Finally, by requiring landlords to provide tenants with a copy of the mold assessment, tenants will have the information they need to ensure that remediation is conducted properly.

Read CLC’s full testimony, and the testimony of CLC client Neta Vaught, here.
